Fast multipurpose explosive detector/sniffer
- The smallest (pocket size)
- The fastest
- The lightest
- The most sensitive
- The most robust & reliable
- The easiest to operate
- The most affordable
… explosive agents detector/sniffer |
Raman Spectrometry for narcotics, explosives, hazardous, pharmaceutical and chemical warfare materials
- Highest accuracy and reliability in chemical identification
- Military and civilian first responders applications
- Detectable compounds:
- explosives
- narcotics
- chemical warfare
- harazdous materials
- pharmaceutical products
explosive and radiological material sniffer/analyzer/identifier
- Ultra-fast 1-2 seconds detection
- Advanced infra-red sampling with instant read-out detects all (incl. non-volatile) explosives in vapour mode in the real time
- Analytical particulate mode with detailed identification
- Simultaneous explosives and radiological detection quickly finds dirty bombs or any other radioactive contraband
- The highest resistance agains cross-talking chemicals and overload
- The best false alarm rate