


These products combine the advantages of advanced excellent PID and IR technology. The ECOPROBE 5 replaces a number of separate analysing devices with one small, compact instrument. It provides the user with the in-situ measurement of organic contaminants with selective analyses of methane, group of common petroleum hydrocarbons, CO2, O2, atmospheric pressure, sampling vacuum and soil temperature. A fully integrated automatic GPS data-logger, independent automatic monitoring station operation as well as powerful computer come with the ECOPROBE 5 as optional accessories.

The main advantages of the ECOPROBE 5 range are:

  • Simultaneous in-situ measurement using the time-integrated photo-ionization analyzer (PID) and 3-channel selective infra-red analyzer (Selective methane, CO2, Group of petroleum hydrocarbons, with reference channel).
  • Additional measurement of N2O, H2S (optional HW configuration)
  • Reliable Oxygen reading.
  • Automatic re-zeroing before each measurement ensures perfect baseline stability and high accuracy of the resulting values.
  • Real-time correction of measured values for soil porosity, atmospheric/pumping pressure and temperature.
  • Ruggedized, light-weight and compact strong construction make it ideal for use in the field.
  • Easy-to-read graphic display, user-friendly special operating system and data acquisition software.
  • Automatic Monitoring Station Mode with no additional hardware/software.
  • Automatic logging of all measured data.
  • A powerful surface data-logging system for transparent, fast 3-D graphic visualization.
  • Fully integrated automatic GPS position logger (up to centimeter accuracy on request)
  • An integral user-calibration facility provides on-site fast calibration and advanced whole dynamic range calibration.
  • IrDA/RS232 interface with Win XP/w2k/Vista/7/8/10/11 compatible ECOPROBE_VIEW software, providing data transfer, graphic data acquisition and data spreadsheet for 3-D graphic outputs.
  • Automatic date/time record for all stored data, built in adjustable acoustic alarm for all measured values.
  • Possible integration to the monitoring stations network

More detailed information can be found in our product brochures and in our technical factsheet.

Need to know more about the science behind ECOPROBE 5? Visit the Technology Section on our website.

ECOPROBE 5 – Monitoring Stations Network

ECOPROBE 5 instrument is equipped with a capability to work as the slave station in wire-less monitoring stations network.
It can make measurements repeatedly (according to the pre-set measurement interval) and automatically log the data to the internal disk.
The setting of all the measurement parameters, as well as communication with the server can be set either individually at each station or remotely from the server.
The server can download the data from each station either automatically (at pre-set intervals) or data could be downloaded from any station at any time. In the same way there is a direct possibility to remotely control any ECOPROBE 5 station to make the actual, current measuement.
All the stations could be connected via cellular network or via radio-modems.
The server displays all the individual stations in the terrain map. Clicking on the each station the server provides the history of measured data.
The server can also announce the alarm if the measured value at any station exceed pre-set limit.
All the remote control, as well as measured data download can be accessible via the Internet.

Pic. 1. History of measurements at one station for all the selection of measurement channels
Pic. 2. Table of one station measured value history
Pic. 3. Set-up of one monitoring station

Set-up of one monitoring station:

  • Central switch box (white case)
  • Zeroing Air Filter
  • Sampling Probe Filter
  • GSM Antenna
  • ECOPROBE 5 Measuring Unit
Pic. 4. Example of the map of the monitored area – 5 stations installed
Pic. 5. ECOPROBE 5 – individual monitoring station unit remote control window – visible on the Server
Pic. 6. When you click on any individual station of the network on the map, you can see it’s measured values and pre-sets
Pic. 7. Basic schematic diagram of the monitoring stations network

Dimensions: 105 x 260 x 170 mm (including handle)

Weight: 3 kg

Shipping Weight: 13 kg (incl. probes, calibration kit, accessories)

Power Supply: internal rechargeable battery

Memory Capacity: about 100 000 measurements

Output: RS 232 cable or infra-red interface

Data Format: ASCII, EXCEL, GRAPHER, SURFER or user programmable format

Display: full graphic back-lite LCD

Keyboard Input: multi-function sealed keys

Operating System: Win 9x/NT4.0 /2000/7/8/10/11 compatible

Internal Air Pump: membrane vacuum pump with programmable speed 0.25 – 4 liters/minute

Calibration: Automatic calibration of all measuring channels

ECOPROBE 5 is the highly sensitive, portable multi-function analytical system which provides optimum power & flexibility for efficient, low-cost Soil Contamination Surveys / Toxic Gas Monitoring with the following features:

  • Simultaneous in-situ measurement of using the time integrated photo-ionization analyzer (PID) and 3-channel selective infra-red analyzer (IR).
  • Additional measurement of N2O, H2S (optional HW configuration)
  • Reliable Oxygen reading.
  • Automatic re-zeroing before each measurement ensures perfect baseline stability and high accuracy of the resulting values. Ruggedized, light-weight and compact of strong construction making it entirely suitable for the field environment. Easy to read graphic display, user-friendly operating system & data acquisition software.
  • Real time correction of measured values for soil porosity, atmospheric / pumping pressure and temperature.
  • Automatic Monitoring Station Mode without any additional hardware/software.
  • Automatic logging of all measured data. A powerful surface data logging system for transparent and fast 3-D graphic visualization.
  • Fully integrated automatic GPS Position Logger (up to centimeter accuracy) is referenced to the WDS 84 coordinate system and also supports surface format “in meters” for un-demanding operator navigation.
  • An integral user calibration facility provides on-site fast calibration and advanced whole dynamic range calibration.
  • IrDA/RS232 interface with Win9x/NT4.0 /2000/7/8/10/11 compatible ECOPROBE_VIEW software, providing data transfer, graphic data acquisition and data spreadsheet for 3-D graphic outputs.
  • Automatic date/time record for all stored data, built in adjustable acoustic alarm for all measured values.


(Photo-ionization analyzer) measures total level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic gases including chlorinated hydrocarbons to sub-ppb levels with the following characteristics:

  • Detection limit: 2 ranges 0.1 ppm / 0.1 ppb 0.1 ppb zero stability
  • Response time: 0.1 sec;
  • Sampling rate: 10 samples/sec.
  • ppb resolution, choice of peak or integrated values
  • Indication of soil porosity/permeability
  • Internal automatic calibration for quantitative vapor phase determination for about 200 compounds
  • Zero response for Methane (Methane measured separately by IR unit)
  • Large dynamic range (0.1 ppb to 4000 ppm), fast response
  • Ion lamp 10.6/10.2 eV (other energy levels are optional)
  • ppm or mg/m3 (ppb or µg/m3) output


(Infra-red analyzer) comprises 3 independent channels for selective analyses of Methane, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and CO2 (plus internal reference channel) with ppm resolution and the following characteristics:

  • Methane: 0-500 000 ppm, detection limit 200ppm (in the field) / 100 ppm (in the laboratory condition)
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons: 0-500 000 ppm, detection limit 30 ppm (for THC)
  • Carbon Dioxide: 0-500 000 ppm, detection limit 20ppm
  • Reference Channel (internal)
  • Ranges of other possible channels optional / selectable
  • Response time: 0.8 sec
  • Sampling rate: 10 samples/sec
  • ppm or mg/m3 output

Other readings

Oxygen: 0-100 %

N2O: 0-10000 ppm (optional)

H2S: 0-50 ppm or 0-2000 ppm (optional according HW configuration)

Soil temperature: oF, oC; (+/- 0.1oC, resolution 0.01oC)

Sampled gas temperature: oF, oC

Ambient pressure / sampling vacuum (mbar, Torr, psi, kPa), accuracy 0.1%, resolution 0.01%