- Security: specialized explosives and narcotics traces detection devices/sniffers together with combination of explosives traces/radioactive material sniffers that are foremost suitable for real field use even in very hostile conditions to have quick and reliable results.
- Earth Sciences: specialized technology, mapping methodology and instruments for fast, reliable and effective mapping of the sub-surface spread of various poisonous contamination of underground soil structure and underground water. Moreover, gas and other measurements support either researchers for instance in climate measurements and/or exports in the area of environment contamination for fast, precise and reliable measurements.
- Medtech: project in the area of early stage breast cancer detection and support instruments for researchers in medical technologies to achieve high accuracy for a reasonable price.
In today’s globalized world, authorities around the world are being confronted with an increasing number of threats to citizens, businesses and institutions.
Customers continue to value
Critical Infrastructure

Clients worldwide rely on
Mass Transportation

Threats from terrorist attacks are also present in public transportation facilities. This implies the need for tools that cover not only checkpoints and gateways but also field applications, ideally with very portable and handheld devices.
Customs and borders

This concept offers through the battery mobility the real field solution with fast response to various threads and reliability of detection / identification. The analysis of potential threats has never been easier before.
Military and First Responders

With the
Event Management and VIP Protection

Sports and other major events are becoming much more of a potential
target for terrorist attacks. This increases the need for reliable but
efficient solutions for the detection of explosives, including homemade
ones. In situations like this, a reliable but fast method of risk
detection at checkpoints that does not stop the flow of visitors is
vital, combined with a very light, reliable detection device that can be
as mobile and fast as the security personnel who operate it. The
Earth Sciences
The detection of organic contaminants such as Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) and Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL) in the sub-surface has been the subject of considerable interest among earth-scientists in recent years.
NAPL contamination may differentiate into at least four distinct forms, each of which has unique chemical and geophysical characteristics. There is a free product which is mobile or free to migrate under gravitational pull. Secondly, the residual phase is that portion which is left behind after the free product has migrated. Thirdly, volatile NAPLs may have developed a vapor phase plume in the space above the free product and the residual product. Finally, small amounts of hydrocarbon may enter the aquifer as a dissolved phase.
Our main product platform is the
RS DYNAMICS can also offer individual customized solutions for the ECOPROBE range based on your particular research needs. Please feel free to contact us at
Soil and Underground Water Contamination Mapping/Monitoring
The main usage of the new technology presented is in the field of subsurface soil and underground water contamination mapping/monitoring. The new methodology and instrumentation represents a powerful tool for fast, cost-effective in-situ mapping of various organic contaminants including some poisonous substances in the subsurface environment.
Widely used by number of scientific institutes and universities world-wide, as well as soil cleaning service companies our new technology brings unbeatable speed and reliability in mapping of the subsurface contamination plume. Very often, time is a crucial factor in blocking of the subsurface contaminant spread; our technology enables fast action against dynamically moving contamination by dangerous chemical compounds.
Stationary Monitoring Systems
Special applications as monitoring of the product leakage from the underground or surface storage reservoirs require a stationary version of our popular gas analysers. We supply the completed network of stationary monitoring stations equipped with various standards of wire-less communications and data collection/graphic interpretation software. The instruments are housed in robust aluminium/plastic cases able to be installed in rough environment.
Some highlights within our stationary monitoring systems are:
- Network of monitoring stations (or individual station) located on the surface of large area evaluates the leakage of product from surface or underground locations.
- Scalable client / server architecture.
- Very deep touch of monitoring – up to 1500 meters (in case of underground pressurized gas reservoirs).
- Measuring unit can simultaneously evaluate also a seismic data.
- Selection of about 200 gases for selective monitoring with various detecting principles.
- Extreme sensitivity with huge dynamic range – up to 0.01 – 10 000ppm caches and evaluates the smallest leakage in very early stage
- Automatic zeroing secures unique zero stability.
- Each station is completely independent self-sufficient operation, individual stations communicate wireless (WiFi, GSM/LTE), measuring parameters can be changed remotely, autonomous measurement can be remotely overtake into full manual via remote control.
- Calibration check “in-situ”
- Graphical output with overview to the whole network with ALARM signalization.
- History of measured data is visualized remotely for each station independently in tabular and graphic form, possible export to 3-D visualization software
- Robust construction for outdoor installation.
Research Projects & Special Applications
Our technology is based on the application of PID (see technology section) and is therefore capable to catch a wide range of volatile substances. The largest group of compounds measured by a PID are the Organics – compounds containing Carbon molecules. These include:
- Aromatics (compounds including a benzene ring such as benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene and xylene.
- Ketones & Aldehydes – compounds with C=O bond including: acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and acetaldehyde.
- Amines & Amides – Carbon compounds containing Nitrogen, like diethyl amine.
- Chlorinated hydrocarbons – trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene.
- Sulfur compounds – mercaptans
- Unsaturated hydrocarbons – like butane and octane
- Ammonia (Inorganic)
- Semiconductor gases – Arsine (Inorganic), Phosphine
- Nitric Oxide
- Bromine and Iodine
For specific customer requirements has been developed customized extension of the instrument that can evaluate also H2S or NO2 gases.
Micromagnetic Instruments present a special instrument within our research range. Highly sensitive, three axes magnetometers based on high-tech flux-gate sensors for stationary or portable application. Able to work as a high accuracy Earth’s magnetic field base station, as well as portable three-axes magnetometer with intelligent GPS data logger and graphic output.
Medical Technologies

Previous experience within the Medtech field do include among others a research project at the third medical faculty at the renowned Charles University in Prague where
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